Saturday, October 11, 2014

Natural Remedies for Arthritis

If you are suffering from arthritis you may think you have no options except to take pain killers and hope that the discomfort goes away. However, there are many natural remedies that you can take to help cure the pain of arthritis. While these natural remedies will help to lessen the pain of arthritis, you will still want to consult your physician about your condition and when you use these methods with the treatments your doctor gives you, you will be able to find true relief from this debilitating condition.

Natural Remedies for Arthritis Pain

One of the top natural remedies for arthritis is using potato juice to help rheumatoid arthritis, as well as all other types of arthritis. Individuals have been using potato juice to cure this condition for centuries, and throughout this time millions of individuals have found relief by utilizing the juice of this vegetable. What you will want to do is take a potato that is medium-sized and cut it into small slices. Make sure that you do not remove the skin prior to cutting the slices.

After you have completed this you will want to put the potato slices into a glass of water and let it sit there overnight. In the morning you will want to drink the glass of water which has now been filled with the juices of the potato. If you have a juicer, you can also extract the juice by putting the potato into the machine. Either way you will want to consume the drink on an empty stomach to ensure your body absorbs all of the healing qualities. You can also drink juices from many other green leafy vegetables, as long as they are mixed with celery, red beets and carrots. The reason why raw juices help so much is because they literally help remove the deposits around your joints that cause your arthritis pain.

Another natural remedy for arthritis is to consume 400mg of calcium three times a day with a glass of water. When you do this everyday for at least four months your body will begin to heal itself, and many people who consume calcium lactate in this manner have found that their pain from arthritis has been completely removed. If you perform this with the juices, you will be able to find healing from arthritis without having to take synthetic medications that can have terrible side effects. Remember, the earth is filled with natural ingredients to help cure nearly every type of condition, and as long as you follow the directions and use the ingredients properly you will find natural relief from your arthritis.

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